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Knee Raise and Touch Plus Front Jacks Low Impact Cardio Combination

This exercise combines two low impact cardio movements, the knee raise and touch and the front jack. This is called a “combination” movement and sometimes referred to as a “superset”.

To perform this low impact cardio movement, you will first perform a set of knee raises and touch and once the set if complete, immediately perform a set of front jacks. The trick to any combination or superset movement is to eliminate any rest between the two movements, which in this case is the knee raise and touch and the front jack.

This is a very effective movement and the main benefit is to force more oxygen into your lungs, which leads to more fat burning. Mind you, this is a challenging movement and will require a certain level of conditioning but I’m confident that most will be able to perform the knee raise and touch plus front jack combination exercise.

In addition, this is a low impact cardio exercise so there is no jumping, hoping or skipping. This is great news for those of you who have bad knees, ankles or hips.

First, start out by performing a set of knee raises and touch as below.

Once you've finished the knee raise and touch, perform a set of front jacks as below.

Position for the knee raise and touch

Stand straight, head level and look straight ahead. Keep your shoulders square and knees slightly bent. Your feet should be shoulder width apart.

How to perform the knee raise and touch

Raise your left knee to just above hip level and touch it with your right hand. Lower your leg back to the ground and raise your right knee to just above hip level and using your left hand, lightly touch your knee. Lower your leg back to the ground and repeat this sequence for the desired amount of repetitions.

As soon as you’ve finished the prescribed repetitions for the knee raise and touch, perform the front jack.

Position for the front jack

Keep your back straight and head level. Look straight ahead and keep your feet at shoulder width apart.

How to perform the front jack

With your right leg, take one step backwards while simultaneously raising both arms. Once your right leg is back, move it forward and lower both arms. Using your left leg, take one step backwards and raise both arms. Once your left leg is back, move it back and repeat with your right leg. Repeat this sequence until you’ve completed the desired amount of repetitions

Important notes about the knee raise and touch plus front jacks

·         It’s going to seem a little weird at first so take your time and allow your body to get into a proper rhythm. It’ll probably take a few tries to get the flow down but I’m certain that after a few workouts you’ll be doing them like a pro.

·         These are two relatively easy to perform, low impact movements but if you find yourself out of breath after the knee raise and touch, take a few more seconds to rest. Once you’re confident that you can move onto the front jack, do so. Remember, don’t force the exercise and don’t try moving onto the front jack until you are good and ready. Although your goal is to perform the two exercise in succession.

·         Once a set has been finished, allow yourself 30 to 50 seconds rest until you perform another set.

·         Try not to look up or down as this will break form and you may lose your balance

·         For more information on combination movements see these pages "what is a superset" and "what is a tri set"


Keep your breathing natural. For the knee raise and touch, breathe in as you bring your knee up and breathe out as you lower your leg. For the front jack, breathe in as you move your leg back and breath out as you move it forward.

Video for the knee raise and touch plus front jacks

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Over his 30 plus years of experience, Blake Bissaillion has worked with nationally ranked body builders, power lifters and fitness professionals. In this time he has picked up volumes of applied knowledge that he openly shares with his clients. Mr. Bissaillion’s objective is to help as many beginners to weight training and fitness to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals while getting into their best possible shape. Mr. Bissaillion owns and operates Belly Be Gone, a fitness company that offers fitness and nutritional guidance and products.

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