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The Standing Reverse Leg Kickback Exercise

The standing reverse leg kickback exercise is designed to help strengthen the hamstrings, hips and booty. This exercise is a very close relative to the kneeling reverse leg kickback and uses all the same muscle groups except that you are standing. The great thing about the standing reverse leg kickback exercise is that it is very knee friendly.

There is no kneeling so you can receive all the benefits of the regular kneeling reverse leg kickback exercise without the pressure on your knees. The important thing about this exercise is making sure your contract your hips, booty and hamstrings throughout the entire movement. This will ensure you get the most out of the standing reverse leg kickback exercise. It will take some getting used to but after a few sessions you will start to get the hang of it.   

How to do the standing reverse leg kickback exercise - Left leg position

How to do the standing reverse leg kickback exercise - Right leg position

Position for the standing reverse leg kickback exercise

Place a chair (you may also the edge of a table, desk or wall) in front of you. Place both hands on the top of the chair and spread your feet about 3 to 4 inches apart. I personally prefer to tilt my body slightly forward in order to get a bit more of an extension. Make sure that you keep your back straight and your shoulders retracted for the duration of the exercise. Keep your head level and eyes looking forward.      

How to perform the standing reverse leg kickback exercise

Raise your right foot back and up with a slight bend in your knee. Raise your foot until you feel a contraction in your buttocks and pause for a moment and allow your leg to descend back to the start position. Repeat for the desired amount of repetitions.

Do the same for your left leg and repeat for the desired amount of repetitions.


Breathe in as you raise your right leg and breathe out as you lower it. Repeat for the left leg.     

Important points for the standing reverse leg kickback exercise

·         Arch your lower back slightly and use your buttocks and hips to raise your leg. Keep your back stationary and don’t strain your lower back.

·         Keep your head level and eyes on the wall. I suggest picking a spot on the wall and focus on that for the duration of the movement. Don’t look down as this will round your back (you don’t want that).

Video for the standing reverse leg kickback exercise

Related Exercises:

The Standing Side Leg Raise Exercise

The Kneeling Leg Crossover Exercise

The Kneeling No Weight Hamstring Curl Exercise

Over his 30 plus years of experience, Blake Bissaillion has worked with nationally ranked body builders, power lifters and fitness professionals. In this time he has picked up volumes of applied knowledge that he openly shares with his clients. Mr. Bissaillion’s objective is to help as many beginners to weight training and fitness to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals while getting into their best possible shape. Mr. Bissaillion owns and operates Belly Be Gone, a fitness company that offers fitness and nutritional guidance and products.

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