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How To Do The Ab Crunch Exercise

The ab crunch is a classic ab “go to” exercise that helps to develop the upper and mid part of the abdomen. When done correctly, the ab crunch is an effective exercise that will help strengthen your core and stabilize your lower torso region. In addition, it’s not an overly difficult exercise to perform and it can be done anywhere with no special equipment.

Below I will show you how to do the ab crunch exercise.

Ab crunch exercise - starting position

Ab crunch exercise - mid point position

Position for the ab crunch exercise

Lie with your back flat against the ground. I suggest placing a mat or a few towels on the ground to lie on first. Bend your knees at a 70 degree angle. You can either cross your arms in front of you (as above), place your hands on the sides of your head or keep them at your sides. Please don’t interlock your hands around your head (this forces your neck to extend forward, which you don’t want to do).

Execution of the ab crunch exercise

To being the ab crunch, using your abdominal muscles, lift your shoulders slightly off the mat and “crunch” towards your knees. Pause for a second at the top portion of the movement and slowly allow your body to come back to the starting position.

Breathing for the ab crunch exercise

Breathe in as you crunch upwards and breathe out as you return to the starting position

Important notes about the ab crunch exercise

·         Don’t jerk your body forward, use only your abdominal muscles to power the movement

·         Don’t interlock your hands around your head as this will force your head forward and overextend your neck region

·         Pick a spot on the ceiling and keep looking at it, don’t look at your knees

·         Lift your shoulders off the ground by an inch or two (don’t force the movement, only go as far as you can without too much discomfort)

Video on how to do the ab crunch exercise

Related Exercises:

Bicycle crunches

Cross leg touches

Dumbbell knee raise exercise

Over his 30 plus years of experience, Blake Bissaillion has worked with nationally ranked body builders, power lifters and fitness professionals. In this time he has picked up volumes of applied knowledge that he openly shares with his clients. Mr. Bissaillion’s objective is to help as many beginners to weight training and fitness to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals while getting into their best possible shape. Mr. Bissaillion owns and operates Belly Be Gone, a fitness company that offers fitness and nutritional guidance and products.

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