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The Floor Dumbbell Pullover Exercise

The dumbbell pullover exercise is an exercise designed to help strengthen and develop your upper back, chest and triceps (back of your arms). It’s also a great exercise to help improve your posture and to properly position your shoulder girdle. The most important part about the floor dumbbell pullover exercise is to make sure your shoulders are retracted throughout the entire movement. As you retract your shoulders you will properly position your shoulder girdle to get the maximum benefit from the floor dumbbell pullover exercise.  

Floor dumbbell pullover exercise - Starting position

Floor dumbbell pullover exercise - Arms down position

Position for the floor dumbbell pullover exercise

Lay a yoga mat or blanket on the floor to lie on. Place two dumbbells on either side of the mat and lie down with your back flat against the floor. Bend your knees at 45 degrees with your feet flat against the floor. Grab the dumbbells with both hands and extend your arms upwards above your chest until your arms are fully extended. Retract your shoulder blades so that the backs of your shoulders are flush with the floor. Puff your chest out and slightly arch your lower back. Keep your head straight and eyes looking at the ceiling.

How to perform the floor dumbbell pullover exercise

While keeping your arms straight, lower your arms to the floor. Pause for a moment at the bottom part of the movement and using your upper back and triceps (back of your arms) raise the dumbbells back to the starting position.  


Breathe in as you lower the dumbbells to the floor and breathe out as you bring them back up to the start position.

Important points for the floor dumbbell pullover exercise

·         As you lower the dumbbells try and expand your rib cage by puff your chest outward and taking a deep breathe in.

·         Keep the backs of your shoulder flush against the floor. Try not to round your shoulders and keep your back nice and straight.

·         Keep your feet flat against the floor and head level. Pick a spot on the ceiling and focus on that spot for the duration of the movement.

Video for the floor dumbbell pullover exercise

Related Exercises:

Dumbbell Floor Press Exercise

Dumbbell Floor Fly Exercise

The Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension Exercise (Aka: Skull Crushers)

Over his 30 plus years of experience, Blake Bissaillion has worked with nationally ranked body builders, power lifters and fitness professionals. In this time he has picked up volumes of applied knowledge that he openly shares with his clients. Mr. Bissaillion’s objective is to help as many beginners to weight training and fitness to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals while getting into their best possible shape. Mr. Bissaillion owns and operates Belly Be Gone, a fitness company that offers fitness and nutritional guidance and products.

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