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Ab Tri Set Workout 2

This ab tri set is a little more challenging than ab tri set #1. The main reason is that it uses the bicycle crunch as the first exercise which is a very effective but challenging ab exercise. The ankle grab and ab crunch hold are great follow up exercises that will allow you to keep constant tension and contractions on your targeted muscle group – Abs. I personally love this ab tri set because it is very challenging and allows me to target the upper, mid and lower parts of my abdomen. Your tri set exercises are as follows:

1) Bicycle Crunch

2) Ankle Grabs

3) Ab Crunch Holds

If you are new to tri sets I suggest attempting the ab tri set #1 first. This is a good place to start and once you are comfortable with that tri set, move onto this tri set. 

Not sure what a tri set is? See my page called here called “what is a tri set?” 

This is an intermediate / advanced method so if you’re brand new to exercise, I suggest starting with some basic ab movements for the first few weeks first.  

Ab Tri Set Exercise #1 - Bicycle Crunches

Position for the bicycle crunch exercise

Lay a yoga mat (or a towel) on the floor to provide some padding for you back. Lie on your back and dig your shoulders into the floor so that the backs of your shoulders are flush with the floor. Bend your knees at about a 70 degree angle. Raise your arms so that your hands on either side of your head. Flare your elbows out slightly.

Execution of the bicycle crunch exercise

Using a simultaneous movement, bring your right knee up towards your chest and using your abs, elevate your shoulders a few inches off the floor. With your left elbow, move it in the direction of your right knee. You don’t have to touch it your knee but move it towards the direction of your right knee. Bring your right knee back to the start position as well as your left elbow and at the same time repeat that motion with your left knee and right elbow. Keep your shoulders elevated throughout the entire bicycle crunch movement.

The motion should resemble a bicycle peddling movement. Keep your feet off the floor by about 3 inches or so.

Once you’ve completed the prescribed repetitions for the bicycle crunch exercise, immediately move onto the ankle grab exercise.

Ab Tri Set Exercise #2 - Ankle Grabs

Position for the Ankle Grab exercise

Lower your feet and bend at the knees (roughly 70 degrees) and keep your feet flat on the ground. Keep the backs of your shoulders flush with the ground.

Execution of the ankle grab exercise

Using your abdominal muscles, raise your shoulders off the ground a few inches. Reach with your right hand and touch your right ankle. Once you touch your ankle return to the start position and with your left hand, touch your left ankle. Repeat this motion for the duration of the ankle grab exercise. Remember; keep your shoulders elevated a few inches for the duration of the exercise.

Repeat until your repetitions are complete. Once the ankle grab exercise is complete, move onto the last exercise in the tri set called “ab crunch holds”

Ab Tri Set Exercise #3 - Ab Crunch Holds

Position for the ab crunch hold exercise

Keep your knees bent and make sure to retract your shoulders so that the backs of your shoulders are flush with the flor. Cross your arms in front of you and look up at the ceiling. Keep your feet flat on the floor.

Execution of the ab crunch hold exercise

Using your abdominal muscles, “crunch” your upper body towards your knees. Raise your shoulders a few inches off the ground and hold this position for the prescribed amount of time. It is important that you do NOT look at your knees. Keep your eyes looking straight up at the ceiling for the duration of the ab crunch exercise. Once the prescribed amount of time has passed, lower your body back to the start position.


Bicycle crunch: Breath in as you crunch your elbow towards the one knee and breath out as you return to the start position. Do the same for the other elbow and knee.
Ankle grabs: Breathe in as you reach with your left arm and breathe out as you reach with your right arm
Dead bugs: Breathe in as you extend with your left leg and breathe out as you bring your left leg back in. Repeat with your right leg.
Ab crunch hold: Take deep breaths as you hold the crunch.

Important points

·         If you feel any cramping in your abdominal muscles, stop the exercise and use this ab stretch. Call it a day and try again in a few days.

·         It’s important that you keep your eyes looking up at the ceiling for the duration of all of the exercises. Don’t be tempted to look down because your neck may cramp up and you will lose the correct posture.

·         Do not lock your hands around your head for the bicycle crunch and ab crunch hold.

·         Remember to not allow your feet to touch the ground when performing the bicycle crunch. Keep your feet a few inches off the ground.

Video for ab tri set workout 2

Over his 30 plus years of experience, Blake Bissaillion has worked with nationally ranked body builders, power lifters and fitness professionals. In this time he has picked up volumes of applied knowledge that he openly shares with his clients. Mr. Bissaillion’s objective is to help as many beginners to weight training and fitness to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals while getting into their best possible shape. Mr. Bissaillion owns and operates Belly Be Gone, a fitness company that offers fitness and nutritional guidance and products.

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