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How To Do The Lying Groin Stretch

The lying groin stretch is a great way to stretch out the groin, hips, hamstrings and booty area. It’s a very safe stretch and will allow you to control the stretch without putting your muscles at risk. I personally love doing the groin stretch before doing any lunges, hip thrusts or squats as it helps to increase my mobility.  

You can also do this stretch with your back against a wall but I find it feels much more natural performing the stretch lying on the floor. Remember, once you feel a slight stretch in your groin area, stop and hold for the prescribed time. 

Start position for the lying groin stretch

The lying groin stretch for the right leg

The lying groin stretch for the left leg

Position for the lying groin stretch

Lay a yoga mat or a towel on the floor to provide some cushion for your back. Bend your knees until they are close to 90 degrees. Retract your shoulders back until they are flush with the floor and your chest is puffed out. Keep your head and eyes level and look straight up at the ceiling. Don’t look down as this will put your back out of alignment. Keep your hands at your sides or on your lap.

How to perform the lying groin stretch

Raise your right knee up towards your chest and grab just below the knee with both hands. Bring your knee up until you feel a slight stretch in your groin, hamstrings and buttocks. Allow your left leg to straighten. Keep your back straight and your eyes looking towards at the ceiling. Hold for the prescribed amount of time. Allow your leg to move back into the starting position and repeat for the left leg.


Keep your breathing natural taking deep breaths in and out as you hold the stretch.

Important notes about the lying groin stretch exercise

·         Don’t look down as this will put your back out of alignment and round your shoulders. Keep the backs of your shoulders flush to the floor.

·         Keep your chest puffed out

·         Try and pick a spot on the ceiling and stare at that spot for the duration of the movement.

·         Don’t force the stretch. Once you feel a slight stretch, stop and hold for the prescribed amount of time.

Video on how to do the lying groin stretch exercise

Over his 30 plus years of experience, Blake Bissaillion has worked with nationally ranked body builders, power lifters and fitness professionals. In this time he has picked up volumes of applied knowledge that he openly shares with his clients. Mr. Bissaillion’s objective is to help as many beginners to weight training and fitness to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals while getting into their best possible shape. Mr. Bissaillion owns and operates Belly Be Gone, a fitness company that offers fitness and nutritional guidance and products.

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