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Resistance Band Chest Press

The resistance band chest press is a great way to help strengthen and develop your chest, shoulders and triceps (back of your upper arm). This chest exercise will emulate the pressing movement of a regular chest press but instead of lying on a bench you will be standing upright. You may find it a little “weird” at first because you will need to find your balance but after a few tries you’ll get the hang of the resistance band chest press.

I love performing this exercise because it really keeps constant tension on my chest throughout the entire movement. To get the most out of the resistance band chest press, really concentrate on the top part of the movement and really squeeze your chest muscles. That is, pause at the top part of the movement and squeeze. Keep your core tight and really feel your chest working.

I use the GoFit resistance band system. I highly recommend these resistance tubes since they are super versatile which will allow you to perform a wide range of exercises and can fit in most doorways. 

Ready position

Start position

Arms in full extended position

Position for the resistance band chest press exercise

Stand with your back to the resistance tubes. Your feet should be at shoulder width apart and your shoulder blades retracted (with your chest puffed outwards). Reach back and grab the handles with both hands. Move the handles towards the front of your body and take a few steps forward. Raise the handles to the sides of your chest. The resistance bands should be tense.

How to perform the resistance band chest press exercise

Press your arms forward until they are fully extended. Pause for a moment and squeeze your chest muscles. Allow your arms to return to the starting position while keeping constant tension on your chest. Pause at the bottom of the movement for a moment and repeat the movement. Once you have completed the movement, take a few steps back until there is not more tension in the bands and allow your arms to go to your sides. Release the bands.  


Breathe in as you press your arms forward and breathe out as you return to the start position.   

Important points for the resistance band chest press exercise

·         Keep your shoulders back and down throughout the entire movement. To do this, keep your shoulder blades retracted which will keep your shoulders back and down. Don’t allow your back to round or hunch.

·         Keep your head level and look straight ahead. Pick a spot on the wall (that’s level with your eye line) and stare at it though out the entire movement. This will keep your body level and stable.

·         Keep constant tension on your chest and really squeeze when your arms are fully extended.

·         Be careful; take the same amount of steps back (as you did when you moved into position) because you don’t want to walk back into the door!

·         You may want to move one leg in front of the other to help with your balance

Video for the resistance band chest press

Over his 30 plus years of experience, Blake Bissaillion has worked with nationally ranked body builders, power lifters and fitness professionals. In this time he has picked up volumes of applied knowledge that he openly shares with his clients. Mr. Bissaillion’s objective is to help as many beginners to weight training and fitness to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals while getting into their best possible shape. Mr. Bissaillion owns and operates Belly Be Gone, a fitness company that offers fitness and nutritional guidance and products.

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